Dear HFCF Family,
I just wanted to say thank you for helping my son, and I during a time when you can often feel defeated. Sitting with Mary Beth, and Kristie at lunch I realized I not only was blessed to have somebody help me during this difficult time, but I also gained two great friends. It’s not often you find people who are more selfless then selfish, but that is just what the HFCF is. Jordan had a great time looking at shoes online for us to order. He picked out the pair he had been asking me to get him for months. I was happy to see his face light up, and smile ear to ear. We went grocery shopping, and we were able to fill our cart without worrying what bill I wouldn’t be able to pay or how I was going to get to work that week. I couldn’t thank you enough for everything you have been doing for me, and I look forward to meeting everyone in person someday.
Thank You
Jennifer & Jordan