HFCF: Who We Help
HFCF provides assistance to many local organizations and families in need in Monmouth County, NJ.
Over the years we have provided funding and support to the local children’s hospitals, public schools (scholarships to deserving seniors), homeless shelters, organizations that serve kids with disabilities and other non-profits in the community. We have helped countless families, providing financial assistance with everyday life. We have strived to keep underprivileged children fed, clothed and housed in a warm environment.
We assist families that have suffered setbacks get back on their feet.
We’ve provided financial support for families dealing with illness and tragedy.
Over the last 14 years we have come across almost every situation imaginable and we have helped.
Along with our supporters, our small group has made a HUGE impact in the lives of so many children! We are blessed with an amazing board and a generous group of friends who believe in what we do.

Below are just "A FEW" of the recent examples of how we have provided hope for the children in our community.
Family Promise
Over the course of many years, HFCF has provided funds to help displaced families in Monmouth County. Our contributions have helped start the Family Pride Program that helps with rental security/moves, school and counseling through a private firm. We have provided funds for the Fort Monmouth Revitalization Building Project, so that Family Promise can expand and help more families within our community. The monies we donated will complete the HFCF sponsored Family Resource Center which is the epicenter of the Day Center. We have supported the summer camp and for extracurricular activities for countless children in need. We have helped get Family Promise families get back on their feet by providing money for schooling, lap tops and even helped with purchasing vehicles so these families can get back and forth to work. Through our partnership with Family Promise, we are proud to say that we have transformed many lives in our community.

The spacious new Family Promise Day Center has been designed to make its homeless guests feel like they’ve arrived home. The day center is where up to 14 people in the temporary care of Family Promise will spend their days trying to secure a better job or stable housing. Under the guidance of its six-member board, Family Promise employs just three people full time and one part time, but has an army of 1,100-1,500 well-organized volunteers connected to churches who host the homeless for overnights during one-week stays at 13 local churches. The families, many of them the working poor, leave their church accommodations early in the morning. Some take buses and trains to jobs, and others are transported by van to Family Promise to the day center where they can have a shower, meet with a caseworker to hunt for a job and an apartment, or care for small children while other family members are attending school or jobs. School-aged children are picked up by their district buses and taken to school. They return to the churches around 5 p.m. for a home-cooked meal provided by parish members. They stay in the program for 90 days. Over the years HFCF has helped Family Promise in many different ways however in 2018, HFCF has provided Family Promise with 20% of the funds needed in order to redo their new day center. This $25,000 donation will help Family Promise to outfit the Family Resource Room with furnishings and computer stations in order to assist families get back on their feet.
K. Hovnanian Children’s Hospital
HFCF has donated over a quarter of a million dollars to K. Hovnanian Children’s Hospital. Since our inception, we have purchased new furniture for the expanded units at the children’s hospital, pediatric cribs for K Hov’s smallest patients and the infotainment system and televisions in the pediatric inpatient units. We would like to think that our contribution to K. Hovnanian’s Children’s hospital has put smiles on the faces of many children during their stay.
The Valerie Fund in Monmouth Medical Center
HFCF has partnered the Valerie Fund for years. After working with many families dealing with pediatric cancer, we discovered a need for private inpatient pediatric rooms, a teen friendly bathroom and an expanded area for a family waiting room. HFCF’s contribution to the Valerie Center has helped create a positive experience for families dealing with pediatric cancer and blood disorders.

Oasis TLC
Since 2008, HFCF has supported Oasis, TLC. This is a local organization’s mission is to promote inclusion and acceptance of autistic individuals into their local communities by establishing farm centers that provide meaningful work, peaceful and healthy residences and community interaction. HFCF has worked with Oasis on multiple projects, which include their outdoor kitchen area and their most recent fencing project. HFCF has a great partnership with Oasis and will continue to provide support when needed.
Oasis has requested that we assist with the fencing for their 2nd property on Navesink River Road. The cost for all phases (material only) is $5617.00. This was provided at cost. The will have a volunteer day to put the fencing up. Oasis is also sending 6 students to peace love and horses every week for a two hour pre-vocational skills program and every other week of riding. This program was rolled out in early April 2018 and has been a huge success. Total donation for Oasis was $11,017.
Holmdel School System
Meryl Gill, Director of special services has requested that we send 7 students for a 6 week program at Peace Love and Horses, a combination of pre-vocational farm academy and riding. The cost of Oasis for this service for 6 weeks is $1590. We also supplied funds for the bus which was $600. This program was started in May and was extremely successful. Please see the letter below.
Marybeth and Eric,
Omg! What an amazing first day of learning on the farm. All the students had an amazing experience. All parents reported that their children came home with a heightened level of joy and excitement. We cannot thank you all enough for this very special hands-on learning and interacting experience. Students and staff are all looking forward to the remaining sessions. Parents gave permission for us to share some photos. So we wanted to spread the joy!
With much gratitude to the generosity of HFCF!
Doreen and Meryl
Stomp the Monster
provides financial and other support to cancer patients, their families, and caregivers when they need it most – during their fight with the disease. They promote a healthy lifestyle with proper diet and exercise, leading by example, and provide funding for potential advances in prevention and treatment. HFCF has provided funds to help Stomp the Monster as they assist families in their quest to stomp out cancer!
Middletown Helps Its Own
HFCF has supported Middletown Helps Its Own for many years. Middletown Helps Its Own is a truly unique organization very much like HFCF as they function as an umbrella organization which coordinates the efforts of many other organizations and volunteers, from school children to senior citizens, on behalf of our Middletown neighbors who are in need.
Big Brothers Big Sisters of Monmouth County
Big Brothers Big Sisters provides 1-to-1 mentoring for youth ages 6-18 through their Community Based, School Based, and Beyond School Walls Programs. By placing children in a quality mentoring relationship, they are able to provide them with the tools they need to become competent, confident, and caring members of their community. HFCF has partnered with BBBS of Monmouth County for over 10 years ensuring children can continue to receive “BIG” support.
YMCA Family Health & Wellness Center supports the health and well-being of all. They're a special place where people of all ages and backgrounds gather to grow in spirit, mind and body. HFCF has worked with multiple YMCA’s in the community throughout the years. We have assisted with the Strong Kids Campaign to help underprivileged kids go to summer camp. We are also partnering with Camp Zehnder and Camp Nova’s for their programs that helps children ages 5-15 with autism and other developmental disabilities.
YMCA Camp Zehnder has served generations of families in southern Monmouth and northern Ocean counties. The Community YMCA became the sole owner of Camp Zehnder in 2010, and ever since they’ve been highly focused on expanding programs to better meet the needs of families in the southern-most portion of our service territory. YMCA’s main focus for 2018 was to address the lack of reliable internet service in the Wall location. With reliable internet connections they could provide more programs to the students, operate more efficiently and improve the customer experience when registering and communicating with the camp. The cost was $2500. In addition to the Internet circuit, HFCF also put YMCA in touch with Community Appliance who provided YMCA a large grill at cost. Finally, we are working with a family in to send a child who recently lost her father to camp this year.
Hello Steve & MaryBeth,
I want to give you a HUGE THANK YOU for helping us get a new natural gas grill. We cannot wait to host a BarBQ for all of our wonder donors and volunteers!
I have downloaded a request for support form from your website and I will reach out to the family of the girl who lost her father to have them complete the application for a camp scholarship. Thank you so much for offering to consider her case.
I am so excited to be going into this camp season with all these wonderful new partnerships and support. I can’t tell you how much it means to me to know that people like you exist for the good of others! I am humbled by your cause and the work that you do. Thanks for being a part of my world!
“Thanks for camping with us!”
Tricia Kline
Director of Camps, Camp Zehnder-------------------------------
Marybeth, Steve and Doreen,Thank you so much for joining us today to learn more about The Community YMCA and our programs and services. We truly appreciate you taking the time to get to know us a little better, and look forward to continuing to explore ways we can work together to better serve Monmouth County. Your genuine interest in supporting children and families that need it most is refreshing, and we cannot thank you enough for your kindness and generosity.
I’m copying the staff team that you met today – please feel free to reach out as you see fit.
Stronger Together,
LaurieLaurie J. Goganzer
President &CEO
---------------------------------To All:
While I believe Laurie said it quite well, please allow me to also offer my sincere thank you for your time and financial support of our efforts at The Community YMCA. Based upon our conversation, I am excited about the opportunities before us to work together and make a difference in the lives of those who need us. The generosity of both HFCF and Two River Technology Group is invaluable to organizations such as ours, and means more than we can express. I am sincerely grateful to Frank for allowing us all to meet, and I look forward to working with you all. Enjoy your evening, and thanks again.
JohnJohn T. Kelly
Chief Financial Officer-----------------------------------
Marybeth, Eric and Steve,
Thank you all so much for joining us yesterday at Camp Zehnder! It was really great spending time with you and discussing the impact the Y is making in the community through its camping programs.
It was truly a pleasure meeting each of you in person – we are so thankful for your support of the YMCA. Your gift from HFCF has certainly helped us improve our business, and make our operation a better and safer place for the children and families we serve. (And as you heard from our Tricia our Camp Director, a better place to work as well!) Please feel free to reach out to us anytime if you’d like to visit camp again, or to learn about more ways you can get involved in supporting our mission in the future. Marybeth, I’ve asked my assistant, Phyllis Sofo, to schedule a part 2 for us, as per our conversation yesterday. I’m looking forward to continuing our dialogue. Thank you all again, so much, for your support. We truly appreciate your generosity and for the time you spent visiting us yesterday. Happy Easter!Best,
LaurieLaurie J. Goganzer
President & CEO
Habitat for Humanity in Monmouth County
Habitat for Humanity in Monmouth County, is an organization that brings people together to build homes, communities, and hope and a vision of realizing a decent place to live. HFHMC seeks to eliminate sub-standard housing and help low-income families achieve the dream of homeownership through its service area. It works with communities to develop decent and affordable housing where people can live and raise their families. In 2015, HFCF partnered with Habitat to build a home for a single grandmother who lost her home during Super Storm Sandy.
Prevention First
Prevention First is a nonprofit agency committed to strengthening the foundations of children and families, empowering them to successfully handle every day difficult situations as well as extraordinary challenges such as violence and substance abuse. The agency provides research-based prevention education programs. HFCF has teamed with P1 to educate children in school to handle difficult, everyday life situations.
The Arc of Monmouth
The Arc of Monmouth is a non-profit organization providing services and supports for individuals who have intellectual and developmental disabilities. HFCF has worked with the ARK for many years providing assistance to fund a wide variety of activities for residents and their families.
CASA is central to fulfilling society's most fundamental obligation by making sure a qualified, compassionate adult will fight for and protect a child's right to be safe, to be treated with dignity and respect and learn to grow in the safe embrace of a loving family. HFCF has provided funds that will help CASA continue to work and ensure the safety and welfare of children in our community.
Project U.S.E.
Project U.S.E. is dedicated to offering high-quality learning opportunities to young people and adults. Specializing in the out-of-the-ordinary, their tools and tactics support academic learning and promote self-respect, strong character and social and environmental consciousness. HFCF has worked with Project U.S.E. to provide multiple school based activities for the urban youth.
Crossroads of Monmouth County
Crossroads of Monmouth County is a short-term, outpatient treatment facility that provides substance abuse services to all Middletown residents. Services include education, consultation, assessment, treatment and referral assistance for anyone seeking help in their own or a loved one’s struggle with addictive substances. These services are available, free of charge with flexible office hours and complete confidentiality. HFCF provided a grant that provided over 600 hours of substance abuse Treatment for the people of Monmouth County.
JDRF is the leading global organization funding type 1 diabetes (T1D) research. Their strength lies in their exclusive focus and singular influence on the worldwide effort to end T1D. HFCF donated to JDRF in honor of Colin Borg a local child who has lived with this disease.
CASANA – Apraxia Kids is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit publicly funded charity whose mission is to strengthen the support systems in the lives of children with childhood apraxia of speech (CAS) so that each child is afforded their best opportunity to develop speech and communication. HFCF has donated funds to CASANA to help children in their program affected by Apraxia.
The David S. Zocchi Brain Tumor Center‘s Camp Jinka
A free summer program for kids and teens whose lives have been impacted by the diagnosis of a brain tumor . Children attending camp have a parent or close loved one that is battling a brain tumor or has passed from one. HFCF has teamed with this foundation to help with their Art is Good program which provides art therapy for children who are dealing with or have family members who are diagnosed with a brain tumor.
Ken Tietjen Memorial Fund
Kenny was a close friend of our founders and fire fighter who lost his life during the 9/11 attacks in NYC. HFCF has provided funds in his memory to help continue Ken’s legacy of helping children in need.
R.A.I.N.E. Foundation
Since its beginnings, RAINE has positively impacted the the Bayshore Community – by providing food, clothing, assistance during the holidays, and various other necessities for families in crisis. HFCF has partnered and supported R.A.I.N.E. since Super Storm Sandy in their mission to help families in need.
Peace, Love and Horses
A registered NJ non-profit corporation dedicated to providing special populations with an opportunity to experience the healing power of horses and farm life. HFCF has worked closely with Peace, Love and Horses, to assist with winterizing the facility to ensure children with year round support.
The Tabacco family has experienced the healing power of horses first hand with their son Dustin, and it is a gift they want to give to as many children as they can. Unlike other farms that do similar work, they charge a fee that is very reasonable so all children can experience this support. The farm currently needs to be winterized in order to continue helping year round. We have worked with an electrician, a contractor and contacted Habitat for Humanity who is helping with supplies. HFCF has provided Peace, Love and Horses with $10,000 for this project. Check out this write up below on this amazing farm. Please make sure to read, it’s very touching and highlights HFCF!
The Tigger Foundation
The Tigger Foundation was inspired by the devastating suffering and profound love of a family who lost their son and brother “Tigger” at 25 years of age to an accidental overdose. Tigger House Foundation is based in Monmouth County where the family of Tigger courageously decided to honor their son and take a resolute stand to fight the raging opiate/heroin epidemic devastating our youth. In 2017, HFCF formed a partnership with Tigger to help combat drugs in Monmouth County. HFCF provided Tigger with a check for 10k to go towards their 2018 drug treatment program. We are also working on making an introduction to The Crossroads, The Keys Academy and other organizations that deal with dependancy.

Project PAUL
Project PAUL services qualified people in the Bayshore area of Monmouth County, including Keansburg, Aberdeen, Atlantic Highlands, Fair Haven, Hazlet, Highlands, Holmdel, Keyport, Little Silver, Matawan, Middletown, Monmouth Beach, Rumson, Sea Bright, Shrewsbury and Union Beach. Project Paul requested a truck from HFCF, as theirs had over 300,000 miles on it and it was in need of replacement . The truck is the backbone of their Food Pantry as it picks up all of their allotments of food and of the furniture store as it makes deliveries of purchased furniture and obtains furniture that can be sold. We met with Director Sal Cortez and Sister Nancy from Project Paul on March 20, 2018 and received all of the information. In Mid-April, we found a used van that was in great condition. The total cost of the vehicle including registration and fees was $8839, which HFCF donated.
Knowledge Empowers Youth and Sobriety A Recovery High School, Monmouth County Brookdale Community College - Lincroft Campus. A Student's Responsibility have an uncompromising commitment to their recovery, health, and future. HFCFn is currently working to help support KEYS as they help Monmouth County youth recover from this drug epidemic.

Gunnar Henschel: (Rohrman)
Gunner was diagnosed with Usher syndrome which is a condition characterized by partial or total hearing loss and vision loss that worsens over time. Although there are many items that the Henschel family could use, one item in particular stood out. When the Henschel’s purchased their home an above ground pool was removed. Although they had a swing set for Gunnar, he could not go out in the back yard as it was not level and he kept getting hurt. Being that John Allen has donated his services many times over the years, we hired him to level the Henschell’s back yard to create the perfect play area for Gunnar. The cost of the project was $3700. This project was promptly completed and Gunnar loves his new backyard.
Shelly Turhune
Shelly is a single mom with a 3 year old daughter. She is working two jobs, which requires daycare for her daughter, and she is living with her mom and paying her some rent. Back in April there was a fire in their complex and she lost a lot of personal items. Shelly has little support from her family. They almost lost their apartment in March due to late rent payments on the part of her mom. She is a former para from the autism program at Bayshore who did an outstanding job and simply had to leave to make more money to support her daughter. She was also a caregiver for several children with autism after school before she had her daughter. She has given so much to this community and now needs her own help. HFCF relieved some stress for Shelly by paying a few bills as well as paying off 2 credit cards which had a very high interest rate. We have also been working with her to circulate her resume. She is in talks with Oasis about being a house mother for their next property. Shelly had many dental issues in the past so we put her in touch with the Wasseff’s who have helped her by giving her dental work at cost. They have been a tremendous help. Shelly is a great example of gathering our resourses to help. We put out less than $1500 for this family and helped them tremendously. See below thank you from Shelly!
Good Afternoon Mary Beth,
I just wanted to thank you from the bottom of my heart. I went to see Mark yesterday for a consultation. He was nothing short of amazing. He welcomed me with open arms and a smile.
I have never gone in to a dentist and come out with a positive feeling. His staff were full of smiles and happy to be there and assist you in any way they could.
I also had my daughter with me and they were beyond accommodating. He sat with me and told me about himself and how much he truly cares about me as a person and my dental health. He told me about himself and how long he has been working as a dentist. He assured me that he could help and that he was going to be there every step of the way. I actually began to cry. It was the first time a dentist didn't look at me like I was a bunch of money and really cared about my wellbeing as a person.
Before I even left the office we had written up the plan of action and they even applied for the care credit for me before I left. Everything was taken care of before I walked out the door. I have been stressing over this for some time now. The dentist has always cost me thousands of dollar every year. I wish I knew him sooner.
He is going to do everything I need for 2800 my cost. He is helping me more than words can express. I just wanted to let you know how everything went and I think I am going to take my daughter to him as well.
You guys have given me room to breathe for the first time in a while. I can't thank each of you enough.
Thank you again from my family to yours!!!
Shelly and Mackenzie
In May 2017, during a doctor’s visit for Lilly’s newborn sister, Lilly’s parents showed their uncle (the girls' doctor) a bruise on Lilly’s back. They were immediately sent to Monmouth Medical where Lilly was diagnosed with High-risk neuroblastoma. Within hours of this diagnosis, Lilly was rushed to the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP) where she started chemotherapy, which was followed by surgeries, transfusions and a stem cell transplantation. Lilly has been in and out of CHOP since this diagnosis, her family constantly by her side. The next six weeks were be filled with daily doses of radiation yet this happy 2 year old still continues to wear a smile. You would never know what Lilly is going through as she still exudes those precious “Lily moments” every day. We spoke to Lilly’s mom multiple times. Lilly is still undergoing treatment at Robert Wood and will continue for another 2 years. Mom said they were having a hard time paying bills because of her change in work schedule due to the situation. HFCF paid some bills in April 2018 which got them up to date. We introduced them to other pediatric cancer charities that have also helped, including Make a Wish in which they are very excited about. In this case, we spent less than $1500 however made a huge impact for this family.
The Kahn Family
In March 2010, Romana Khan was a typical healthy 2 year old. One night, she had a high fever and began vomiting repeatedly, her mom rushed her to the hospital. After 29 days and many tests at multiple hospitals, doctors finally had a diagnosis: Metachromatic Leuko Dystrophy, MDL is a rare hereditary enzyme deficiency that causes progressive loss of brain and nervous system function. Romana is now almost 10 years old and is immobile, has lost her speech and is non responsive. She cannot swallow nor see, she is on oxygen and a feeding tube. The only thing that she can do is cry and squeeze her mom’s hand. There is no cure for MLD. Ramona requires 24 hour care. Kausar and Shabbir’s lives are very draining emotionally and physically yet their strength and positivity is shown in their unconditional love for their daughter and shines through their dedicated daily care for her. The Kahn family is extremely humble and turned away our initial request to help. They thought other people needed our assistance more however they live in a home that literally has a few beds, a sofa and a kitchen table. HFCF visited the Kahn family for the holidays and provided bikes (the other 3 kids have never had one), TV’s (cable for a year), food, and a dresser for Romana. All of the gifts for this family were generously donated by John and Jamie Stavola and provided at cost by Dan Tapalow. Dan hung and set up the TV’s making the Kahn family very happy. Thank you Jamie, John and Dan!!!!!!!!!

Brandon Kucowski
Brandon is an 18 year old boy who was born with Schizenchephaly, a disorder that prevents him from walking or performing any self-help skills on his own. HFCF has worked with Brandon’s family in the past, in 2012 providing Brandon with a Quadriciser Motorized Therapy System, which has had a significant impact on Brandon’s overall health. This year, HFCF provided Brandon with an All Terraine Wheel Chair which will enable Brandon to experience a wide range of abilities to help him enjoy the outdoors whether that means mountain paths, sandy beaches, cobblestone streets, or snow. Brandon and his family are thrilled with his new chair, they can now do so many more things together as a family. Watch Ted, Brandon's father, speak about their experience.
P.S. Brandon graduated high school in 2018! Thought you would like to see!

Destiny Madaj
Destiny is a single 23 year old mother (just gave birth) who is living with her mom in a Keyport apartment. Destiny is a waitress at the diner but fell and was out of work a few months prior to her daughter’s arrival. Destiny gets paid via tips so she was not making any money while out. Destiny’s mom Kelly is also a single mother who waitresses at Bart’s in Matawan. She is supporting another daughter, Destiny, and now baby. Back in December, HFCF provided Destiny and her family with various baby items (from car seats to diapers, strollers and clothes) to assist with supporting the new baby that was born on 1/2/18. The Madaj family is sincerely grateful and has reached out several times since to thank us and send pictures of Baby Marianne.
The Collier Program
The Collier Program - 15 homeless girls ages 14-21 living in Collier’s local group homes. Parents either passed, are in in jail, or the girls are in foster care. Collier had requested HFCF to sponsor a “girls night out” which included a play and dinner for girls and their chaperones. All had a fantastic time. Cost $2500.
Francesca Gomez
John and Trisha Gomez’s daughter Chesca is a nine year old little girl who was diagnosed with down syndrome at birth. John and Trish have been paramount in their daughter's development. Chesca has participated in early developmental education programs in Little Silver as well as Family Resource Association in Shrewsbury. Chesca has also participated in dance school and karate since a young age. HFCF made Chesca’s dream come true by providing a “Grown Up ROOM”. We purchased a a rug and bedding from Pottery Barn, a vanity, and various other bedroom items for Chesca’s new room. Total Cost: $1200
Million thanks to you and HFCF. Is seems Chesca is loving her new big girl room!
Thank you once again!
John &Trish Gomez
P.S. Do a close up in the mirror, it’s priceless xxoo

Holiday Toy Drive
Kristie Kane-Tapolow started the HFCF Holiday Toy Drive in 2009, which since has helped thousands of children in Monmouth County. HFCF partners with dozens of local organizations during the holidays and throughout the year in their efforts to give back to local children and families in need. This year the HFCF toy drive helped over 300 local children in need as well as other family based organizations in Monmouth County.
De Battone Foundation
After our close friend De’s passing her family has decided to do an annual scholarship in De’s name. HFCF has generously donated to the scholarship which will be put towards scholarships in 2019. We are also working with De’s only son Ryan to address some medical bills. This is still a work in progress. We will keep you updated.
Again, these are just a few of the many organizations and thousands of individual families that we have supported since 2004. If you are interested in learning more about how you can help HFCF, please visit hfcf.org.