Please join us as we honor Scott McGinn for all his generous donations that have helped HFCF raise over $1 million. A portion of the proceeds will go to Brandon Kucowski who is 10 years old and was born with Schizenchephaly, a disorder which prevents him from walking or performing any self-help skills on his own. The funds will enable his family to buy him a Quadriciser, a machine which helps him from the effects of his condition.
Where: Trump National Golf Club, Colts Neck
When: October 9th, 2012
10:30am Registration
11:00am Lunch
1:00pm Shotgun Tee Off
6:00pm Dinner + Wine Tasting
$400/each or $1500/foursome (includes golf, forecaddy, dinner + wine tasting)
$125/each (dinner and wine tasting only)
Activities Include:
- Putting & chipping contest
- Beat the pro
- On the green in one
- 50/50 raffle
- Cigar rolling
- Dinner auction
- Hole in one wins a car
- Wine tasting
Sponsorship Opportunities:
- Beer Cart Sponsor
- Hole Sponsor
- Putting Contest Sponsor
- Lunch Sponsor
- Cocktail Sponsor
- Dinner Sponsor
- Hole In One Sponsor