HFCF Presents: 1st Annual Family Bike Beach Cruise

When: September 22, 2012
Time: 9:00 AM
Where: Sandy Hook National Park (Lot E), NJ
Price: Adults – $25 Children – $10

Parking for Pete’s Sake is dedicated to providing assistance towards the significant cost of parking for NJ families that choose cancer treatment at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center in New York City. Our mission is to help offset costs by providing financial support in a time of need. Additionally, it is the goal of Parking for Pete’s Sake to encourage NJ families to travel to one of the best cancer centers in the world- MSKCC.

T-shirts given to all participants. All riders are encouraged to wear helmets (children under 12 must wear helmets by law). Please mail registration & payment to:

46 David Terrace
Red Bank, NJ 07701
(Checks payable to HFCF c/o PFPS)

Download The Registration Form