HFCF is working with all local and county resources to help those in need. We are also trying to help coordinate volunteers, receive donations and raise awareness. If you can lend a hand or would like to donate items please let us know. You can also provide direct assistance.

If you choose to make a monetary contribution, HFCF will give 100% of donations for Hurricane Sandy directly to the cause.

As the needs of  people effected by Sandy keep changing.  We will continue to update the list below with information and resources.

Thank you for helping to make a difference in our community! We need it now more than ever.

Needs & Resources

Volunteer Opportunities:


They are seeking help in Union Beach this week. They have to vacate the building they have used for drop off of donations. It is a huge job and if they get a lot of help it will make it so much easier. Please come to the firehouse at 1110 Union Avenue in Union Beach anyday you can help!  They would really appreciate any time you can give them!

HOME/BUSINESS REPAIR, REBUILDING and FEMA, Thursday, November 28 Meeting:

Middletown Township will be hosting a public information session at 6:30 p.m. on Wednesday November 28 at the Middletown High School North Auditorium, 63 Tindall Road, to address rules and regulations regarding repair and rebuilding of homes and businesses damaged by Superstorm Sandy. Township officials as well as FEMA and SBA representatives will be on hand to explain the recovery process and to answer questions.

All property owners are cautioned to check with their municipal building department before undertaking any major repairs to their homes or business to be sure they are fully aware of the regulations with which they may have to comply.

Notice For Work on Existing Buildings in Special Flood Hazard Areas – Substantial Improvement/Substantial Damage Worksheets

This meeting will not involve the Army Corps of Engineers or any discussion of beach replenishment projects. Those topics will be addressed at future meetings.

The following Services are provided by the Federal Emergency Management Agency: 

  • Grants for expenses not covered by insurance including money to repair and rebuild dwellings and temporary housing – short term hotel expenses, rent for up to 18 months, or, as a last resort a FEMA manufactured housing unit.
  • Grants for disaster-related medical and dental expenses, funeral expenses, clothing, furniture, education items such as computers
  • Grants for heating oil or natural gas, equipment needed for clean-up, moving and storage expense
  • Counseling services, unemployment assistance, legal aid, income – assistance, social security and veteran benefit assistance.

The Following Services are provided by the Small Business Administration:
  • Homeowners can apply for direct loans of up to $200,000 to repair or replace real estate beyond what’s covered by insurance. The loans have interest rates as low as 1.7 % and can be repaid over 30 years.
  • Homeowners and renters can apply for loans up to $40,000 – also as low as 1.7% to repair and replace personal property that isn’t coved by insurance.
  • Businesses with fewer than 500 employees and agriculture and aquatic businesses are eligible for loans up to 2 million to use as working capital that can help them pay bills.

How to Contact: 

People can apply for disaster relief at:
  • DisasterAssistance.gov,
  • through smartphones at m.fema.gov;
  • or by calling 800-621-3362.
Home and business owners interested in the SBA’s loan program can apply at http://disasterloan.sba.gov/ela/.

If you require temporary housing or have housing to offer:
A group of local Realtors have set up a free website for listing available rentals. Please go to www.stormsandyhomes.com for further information.

Croydon Hall in Middletown will remain open as a relief center – 900 Leonardville Road, Leonardo 11:00 AM – 6:00 PM 

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