
2012 Toy Drive

December, 2013 HFCF organized a toy drive for the holiday season.  A few businesses within the local area were kind enough to offer their location as a drop off point. They include: Wine Academy Superstores, Dr. Jay Gohel, Junction Cleaners, Dr. Santiago, Slaters Deli, Community Appliance, Accents Nail, Eagan and Associates, Ivy Rehab, Runners High and Middletown Arts Center. Through

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Helping at Home and Abroad

Hello Marybeth and HFCF, My name is Weston Adwell, Stanley Adwell’s daughter. I am the founder of Donation Brazil Inc. I cannot express to you the level of gratitude I have towards you and your help. It means so very much to me that I am able to help a cause greatest in my heart. The focus of my non-profit

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Brandon Kucowski Gets His New Quadriciser

brandon kucowski

HFCF is proud to announce that 10 year old Brandon Kucowski has finally received his quadriciser. Brandon was born with Schizenchephaly, a disorder that prevents him from walking or performing any self-help skills on his own. The Quadriciser Motorized Therapy System will have a significant impact on Brandon’s overall health. Below are several videos of Brandon using his new Quadriciser:

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