
About Hope For Children Foundation

Hope For Children Foundation NJ (HFCF) is a registered 501(C3) comprised of a group of professionals, entrepreneurs and parents in Monmouth County working together to raise funds with the end result of making a significant positive difference in the lives of children.

We originated in 2004 with the simple goal of “getting together with family, friends and colleagues to make a difference in our community.  All these years later, HFCF has evolved into a leading fundraising organization in Monmouth County.  Our yearly galas and golf outings are highly anticipated events and a good time is always had by all.

On an annual basis, HFCF identifies charitable organizations and individuals that will benefit from monies that come from our fundraising efforts. We have also been very successful with uniting charities throughout the state in order to have a greater impact on those we help.

To date HFCF has donated almost 3.5 million dollars to local charities and families in need of assistance in Monmouth County.  100 % of all proceeds go direct to our cause.